The Breaking of the Light

Existence began in a deluge; the Spirit of Jehovah moved upon the currents of the void. Then, Suddenly, the first recorded words burst across the primordial chaos; “Light, be.” So, before sun, moon, or stars, there was light: radiating the life of Jehovah, and bringing order to the void. Five more times, Jehovah would speak, giving form and substance to his universe; but light remains as the elemental manifestation of the unseen God. From the second day till today many secondary sources of light were made, but all were a mere reflection of Jehovah, the one true light which brings light to all he touches.

On day six, God created what would be the moon to his Sun: humanity. Alone of all creation, humanity was made in the image of God, and along with it, the terrible privilege of reflecting the life of Jehovah throughout existence. But the light failed. Sin came, and humanity, disconnected from the Light, would have faded into the darkness of death. But God’s light cannot be so easily defeated. The all-wise Jehovah, in the person of the Eternal son, tabernacled among men, and radiated the true light throughout creation in undiluted purity, as in the first day of creation. Many turned away from the light, choosing their independent darkness and death over the exalted role of reflecting the life and light of God. Yet the light could not be overcome for the sovereign God reserved for himself some among those of Adam’s race to gaze upon the light of the son, and reflect his glory across the vast currents of the universe.

I beheld his Glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of Grace and truth. I was filled with his Life, and shined like the moon upon all at the currents his sovereign will had designed for me. But I failed, and the light broke. The remnants of darkness and death are woven through the fabric of my life. The waters on which he had called me to move were too tumultuous for me, and I sank beneath the crushing waves of earth. I still see him, and still reflect his light, but the image is distorted into a bastardized mockery of the true light. He still moves along the water as at the first, shining with undiluted light through all existence; but I am broken, and my refracted light is barely visible as I sink beneath the depths. What is the point? Why do I struggle to remain afloat in the midst of the storms? The darkness has overcome my broken light, and there is nothing left but to surrender to the void. What Can my feeble, finite light add to him? So, I run. I hide from the piercing light that exposes my brokenness. I move upon those ancient currents to the dark places of the earth where I might get relief from the terrible light. Yet his light still haunts me, even when I have run to the point of utter exhaustion.

The Rainbow was born of Calamity. Sin and wrath so broke the earth that the very light of the sun was broken, splitting it into its composite parts. Here, I see that there is beauty and promise in the breaking of the light. Only when light is broken can its true beauty be seen by mortal eyes. And only by his light shining through a broken word can the promise of indomitable light be displayed. Behold, a new light shines over the sin- cursed earth: broken light. It lacks the permanence and brilliance of sunlight, but the refracted reflection of rainbow light is now an integral aspect of the sun’s radiance on earth. And its broken light is beautiful.

A veil had been over my eyes, and I couldn’t understand. But now, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, I understand his designs. My broken light is still a reflection of the shekinah glory of Christ, and its brokenness is the very thing that makes it uniquely beautiful. The light of the glory of God shines unhindered throughout the universe, but there is one thing it cannot do: it cannot break. The light of Jehovah’s life must forever emanate from his being in absolute, impenetrable purity, Hallelujah. So, if there is to be a rainbow surrounding Jehovah’s throne, it must come from his own light, refracted through broken people. Thus, his sovereign wisdom has designed to shine in my sin-cursed life, in order to produce the specific hues needed for his rainbow. Yea, the whole course of my life has been charted for just this end. And as I gaze with renewed understanding at his glorious light reflected in my broken soul, I am changed into the same image, from glory unto glory. I embrace the paradox. It is fitting that light of the knowledge of the glory of Christ be stored in earthen vessels: For it is thus that God creates his rainbows.

The universe is considerably more full than it was at the beginning, when the formless deluge was all that was, but those ancient currents remain, and his light still traverses them all. And, according to his direction, my broken light travels with him, as a uniquely beautiful refraction of his life. I cannot discern my way on the trackless sea, but I know I shall not be overtaken by the billows, for my destiny is to surround the eternal throne of the living God, as a never-ending testimony to the beauty of his light. He will show me the paths of life; and my soul shall follow after, reflecting his life in my broken, finite way. In his presence there is fullness of joy; therefore, my soul shall find it’s truest joy in perpetually refracting his light throughout the universe. At his right hand there are pleasures forevermore; therefore, my soul; shall find it’s full satisfaction in him, who is the light of life. Though I am but broken light, drowning in a tumultuous sea, he has made me a rainbow upon the waters, forever reflecting and refracting his light wherever the currents take me. All rainbows come from him and go to him. And so, it shall be at the end of all things, my broken light shall join with all the elect to adorn the throne with the beauty of brokenness. As long as the Lamb shall be the light of New Jerusalem, his people shall reflect his light as a glorious rainbow, filled with beauty and promise. Amen.


Genesis 1; Psalm 16:11; 139; Isaiah 61; Malachi 4:2; John 1:1-18; 8:12; 2 Corinthians 3:17-4:18; Revelations 4:2,3; 22:5

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